Individual pie

The individual pie is the little sister of the regular pie.
It is exactly the same than the regular pie but only for one person.

You can order them in many flavors: Lemon, Almond, Apple, Fruit and chocolat.

All the individual pies are dairy.


  1. Is it possible to write also a name instead of "Citron".
    For example, if it is my birthday, can you write my name instead ?
    This is limited to how many letters ?
    For example if my name is Jean-Baptiste ? Is it possible to write it on the cake ?
    do I have to add a supplement ?

  2. J'aime bien la question.
    Heu, oui bien sûr monsieur, même si vous vous appelez Dushnoke on peut tout à fait l'écrire sur le petit gâteau. Et en plus c'est gratuit !
    Mais vraiment quel est l'intérêt ?
