
Nathalie can organize also your catering...


This cake is composed by a double genoise with cream in the middle.
The decoration is frangipane.
It is the perfect cake for your anniversary!

Happy Birthday

This cake is composed by a double genoise with cream in the middle.
You can choose your flavor; chocolate, canilla, moka.

Mickey Mouse

This mickey mouse is delicious!
The cake is a composed by double genoise cake with cream.
The decoration is very meticulous.

Bar Mitzva Cake

There are many possibility for the Bar Mitzva cake. Here you can see both Tfilin and sidur. You can order it also with a sefer Thora.
Mazal Tov!

Bat Mitzva Cake

Bat Mitzva cake can be ordered Chalavi or Parve. It's a very nice and fresh cake.
Mazal Tov!

Almond Basket

The almond basket is an easten pastry.

The basis is a short pastry filled with an almond preparation and decorate with small candies.

This sweetness comes very well with a coffee or a tee.

Cigars with almonds and honey

These cigars are composed by a leg pastry with a almond cream inside.

Once they are ready, they are fried and dipped in honey.
This is simply...delicious!

Cheese cake

The cheese cake is a dessert consisting of a topping made of soft, fresh cheese on a base made from biscuit.

This is the perfect cake for Chavuot but also for your dairies desserts...

Chocolate Pie with walnuts

The chocolate pie with walnuts is composed by a walnut preparation and chocolate cream sliced on the top.

The dough is a short pastry. It can be preapared Parve or Chalavi and thus is ideal for your dessert.

Petits fours

The "petits fours" are a small confection generally eaten in the dessert. The name means "small oven".
Nathalies' petits fours can be composed with eclairs, strawberry or fruits with creme patissiere, millefeuille, lemon, chocolat and apple.
The advantage of Nathalies' petits fours is that you can order them dairy...

Strawberry Biscuit

This cake is a rolled biscuit with vanilla foam and strawberries.
It can be Parve or dairy.
It is a very soft biscuit and is ideal for the dessert.

Petit fours éclair au Chocolat/Café/Vanilla

"Petit fours" are miniature pastries. The mini Eclairs are half-a-finger size.
The mini eclairs are simply delicious, very soft, with just enough creme patissiere inside.
Flavor - chocolate, cafe or vanilla.

Le Fraisier

The Fraisier is a French strawberry cake.
It is traditionally a genoise cake base split in two and soaked in a syrup.
The two layers are composed by a stack of strawberries and heavenly crème mousseline (a combination of pastry cream and buttercream), and topped with a thin layer of marzipan and a beautiful decoration.

Pain aux raisins

The "pain aux raisins" is a member of the yeast pastries family.
It is typically a variant on the Croissant or "Pain au chocolat".
It is composed by leavened butter pastry with raisins added, shaped in a spiral with a creme patissiere filling.
It is often eaten for breakfast...

Strawberry Pie

January is the season of the strawberry pie.
It's a very short season and you have to hurry if you want to taste it.
This pie is composed by a short pastry with creme patissiere and strawberry sliced on the cream.

Time goes by so fast...


The Moka cake has the same coposition than the black forest with a cream cafe instead.
There are 2 layers of sponge cake and cream cafe in the middle.
Just try it...

La Forêt Noire

The black forest cake is a great traditional dessert originally from the baden region in Germany. Its original name is "Schwarzwalder Kirdchtorte" which means "Cherry cake of the black forest".
The black forest is composed by many layers of sponge cake and cream with is simply delicious.


The "Soufganiot" (donuts) are the specialities of Chanukah.
Nathalies' Soufganiot are natural with powder sugar on the top.
They can be ordered also with chocolat, "ribat chalav" or jam.
Chanukah Sameach!

Butter Brioche

The butter brioche is the french baker star-turn.
The brioche is a yeast cake and the dough is very light.
This cake is ideal for breakfast!